Flavour of Iceland

Flavour of Iceland

Cruise ship traffic to Iceland has increased substantially in recent years. Flavour of Iceland is an initiative of logistics provider TVG-Zimsen and ship supplier Ekran for promoting food and drink sales to cruise ships. The project was initated trough the cooperation...
Flavour of Iceland

Flavour of Iceland

Á síðastliðnum árum hefur umferð skemmtiferðaskipa til Íslands aukist verulega. Flavour of Iceland er samstarfsverkefni TVG-Zimsen og Ekrunnar um kynningu á íslenskum matar- og drykkjarvörum fyrir skemmtiferðaskip. Verkefnið varð til á vettvangi Íslenska...
Reykjavík Seafood District

Reykjavík Seafood District

Reykjavík Seafood District is a project that aims to organize and promote the harbor area in Reykjavik as an exciting neighborhood for locals and tourists, with strong links to the ocean, harbor and seafood.