

Íslenski sjávarklasinn er drifkraftur nýrra hugmynda og stuðlar að öflugu samstarfi fyrirtækja og frumkvöðla í sjávarútvegi og haftengdri starfsemi. Með sterkari tengingum og samvinnu opnast ný tækifæri til nýsköpunar og atvinnusóknar til framtíðar.


Það er alltaf mikið um að vera í Sjávarklasanum!
Hér má sjá nýjustu fréttir. 

Yfir 50 frumkvöðlar! Blá nýsköpun 19.maí!🌊⚓🐟

Yfir 50 frumkvöðlar! Blá nýsköpun 19.maí!🌊⚓🐟

Yfir 50 frumkvöðlar! Veitingar í boði & aðgangur ókeypis! Fimmtudaginn 19. maí mun Sjávarklasinn kynna nokkur þeirra fjölmörgu fyrirtækja sem hafa komið fram með nýjungar sem stuðla að hreinna umhverfi hafsins eða betri nýtingu auðlinda þess. Sýningin, sem haldin...

Circular Economy in the Nordics

Circular Economy in the Nordics

This week at the Iceland Ocean Cluster we welcome visitors from Finland, Norway, Denmark to join Iceland for discussions on the opportunities and challenges for the circular economy in the Nordics.  The group, which is funded by Nordic Innovation are called the Nordic...

100% fish-an artists impression

100% fish-an artists impression

At the Seafood Expo Global 2022 in Barcelona, the Founder of the Iceland Ocean Cluster, Dr. Thor Sigfusson joined the BAADER stand to talk about 100% fish. Thor was joined on stage by the artist Pablo Fernández del Castillo Garibay creating a compelling double act. ...

BAADER joins Iceland Ocean Cluster

BAADER joins Iceland Ocean Cluster

A new agreement has been signed that paves the way for a real boost to the target of 100% fish. Last week at the 2022 Seafood Expo Global in Barcelona, Robert Focke the Managing Director of BAADER and Dr. Thor Sigfusson the Founder of the Iceland Ocean Cluster signed...

Funding opportunity for SMEs and Startups

Funding opportunity for SMEs and Startups

Iceland Ocean Cluster is a project partner in GreenOffshoreTech, a project that aims to support blue growth in the offshore aquaculture, offshore wind energy, offshore oil and gas, and waterborne transport.  This project has not released its first competitive call for...

New project “BlueBioClusters” starting in August 2022

New project “BlueBioClusters” starting in August 2022

Iceland Ocean Cluster is a project partner in a new project called “BlueBioClusters” co-ordinated by SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEIG, Germany.  The project will connect blue clusters across European coastal regions and has a rich project partner consortium...