by Berta Daníelsdóttir | nóv 19, 2021
Meðfylgjandi er key note address sem Árni M. Mathiesen flutti á tuttugustu Goal ráðstefnu GSA í Seattle USA þann 17. 11.2021.
by Berta Daníelsdóttir | nóv 10, 2021
by Berta Daníelsdóttir | okt 29, 2021
by Berta Daníelsdóttir | okt 8, 2021
Here you can watch Dr. Thor Sigfusson speech at the conference The future of food, innovation from Singapore and Iceland, which took place in Harpa on September 2nd.
by Berta Daníelsdóttir | okt 8, 2021
Hér er hægt að horfa á erindi Dr. Þórs Sigfússonar á ráðstefnunni The future of food, innovation from Singapore and Iceland sem fór fram í Hörpu 2.september síðastliðinn.