The idea behind the Cluster House

The idea behind the Cluster House

By Thor Sigfusson.In this article, I will discuss our strategy regarding the cluster houses and how I believe such houses can become a part of a successful industry cluster strategy. I am sure there are other ways to do it but at least our strategy has worked.Our...
Building Bridges with Ocean Clusters

Building Bridges with Ocean Clusters

On 28. July an article by Thor Sigfusson Founder and Chairman of The Iceland Ocean Cluster, about building bridges with ocean clusters was published on World Ocean Forum.In this article he is challenging the startup community and the media to get excited about new...
Laying the grounds in Seattle

Laying the grounds in Seattle

For the past months former minister of industry in Iceland Mrs. Ragnheidur Elin Arnadottir has been working on establishing an Ocean Cluster in Seattle. It is not an individual effort but a program starting out of local interest from Seattle on the Iceland Ocean...