by Berta Daníelsdóttir | Mar 29, 2019 | News
The Alaska Ocean Cluster (AOC) and Iceland Ocean Cluster (IOC), have signed an MOU to initiate collaboration between the two bodies to achieve a stronger cooperative platform. The main focus will be to foster developments between the two clusters. Justin Sternberg,...
by Berta Daníelsdóttir | Mar 27, 2019 | News
Thor Sigfusson, founder of The Iceland Ocean Cluster was invited to take part in a panel at the Economist World Ocean Summit in Abu Dhabi in March.The IOC message to the Summit was:The global seafood industry dumps nearly 10 million tons of perfectly good fish...
by Berta Daníelsdóttir | Mar 26, 2019 | News
Abstract artist, Christy Kill, donated the pair of paintings “On the Shores of Iceland” to the Ocean Cluster in February 2019. During a beach cleanup in Sandvík, she was surprised by the amount of trash along the shore and was compelled to translate the experience to...
by Berta Daníelsdóttir | Mar 19, 2019 | News
The Ocean Cluster House is uniquely positioned to support the next generation of seafood startups. It is „the“ global space for the most innovative startups in seafood. In the 30.000 sq ft facility, we have a 100% fish centric startup space, enterprises, investors and...
by Berta Daníelsdóttir | Feb 8, 2019 | News
Mr David Mundell, Secretary of State for Scotland visited the OC House today with the Iceland Minister of Fisheries, Mr Kristjan Thor Juliusson. Mr Mundell was introduced to new a development of electric boat design from Navis and nanotechnology for energy from...
by Berta Daníelsdóttir | Feb 7, 2019 | News
The Nordic Council of Ministers held its meeting in the Ocean Cluster House February 7. The OC House has never had as many Government Ministers from so many countries at the same time visiting! The Council is the official body for inter-governmental co-operation in...