Iceland Ocean Cluster
The Iceland Ocean Cluster is an industrial hub that drives innovation and value creation in the blue economy, bringing together a community of startups, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders to collaborate, connect, and grow.
Iceland Ocean Cluster
Íslenski Sjávarklasinn ehf. á víðtækt samstarf við fjölda fyrirtækja í bláa hagkerfinu; útvegar sprotum aðstöðu, styrkir tengslanet þeirra og fjárfestir í nýsköpun.
100% FISH
Available workspace for rent
One of our office spaces will become available on the first of April. The space is 39 sqm and can accommodate 4-8 employees. Included in the rental price is access to meeting rooms, cleaning, coffee service and printing services. If you and your company are interested...
Welcome to the Icelandic Ocean Cluster’s new intern
We are delighted to welcome our new intern, Razvan Tugulea, currently a Master’s student in Data Management at Reykjavik University. With a strong background in business and hospitality, he previously earned a Master’s degree in Management from Spain and a Bachelor's...