Íslenski sjávarklasinn og Codland munu ráða til sín nokkra háskólanemendur í sumarstörf fyrir sumarið 2013.
Codland óskar eftir sumarstarfsmönnum í rannsóknir á lífvirkum efnum í slógi og markaðsrannsóknir á sölumöguleikum afurða. Íslenski sjávarklasinn leitar að metnaðarfullum einstaklingum í verkefni sem snúa meðal annars að:
- Hvernig má auka áhuga á haftengdum greinum
- Kortlagningu flutninga við landið
- Grafískri hönnun og tengdri vinnu
- Samstarfi við Færeyjar og Grænland
- 100% nýtingu fisks
- Greiningu á umsvifum sjávarklasans á Íslandi
- Eflingu þjónustu við skemmtiferðaskip
- Oliu- og gasvinnslu við Ísland
- Kortlagningu erlendrar starfsemi íslenskra fyrirtækja
Við höfum opnað fyrir umsóknir en frekari upplýsingar má finna hér.
Umsóknum skal fylgja ferilskrá og önnur gögn sem umsækjandi telur að skipti máli (t.d. Kynningarbréf, meðmæli, upplýsingar um fyrri verkefni, námsárangur oþ.h.). Umsóknarfrestur er til og með 1. apríl 2013.
Vert er að benda á fleiri verkefni og störf á www.verkefnamidlun.is. Auk þess má sjá upplýsingar um styrki til doktorsnáms hér.We are looking for young people in Canada, Faroe Islands, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland or Greenland who are interested in the ocean/seafood industry.
The Iceland Ocean Cluster is extending its successful domestic internship scheme to internships from Canada, Faroe Islands, Norway, Denmark and Greenland. We are looking for few dynamic and enthusiastic interns to join us for a minimum of 2 weeks and would like to do work for the Iceland Ocean Cluster or related companies in this field this summer. This project is a part of a project called North Atlantic Ocean Cluster Alliance which aims to strengthen collaboration between the countries and is sponsored by NORA and Nordic Innovation.
There are currently a number of positions open on the Internship program, however the chosen candidate must:
- Be at the age of 20-30
- Have a passion for the ocean/seafood industry and a good knowledge about the industry in his/her home country
- Excellent communication skills
- The ability to work under pressure and with a close team
Some examples of what you will learn and get involved in are as follows:
- Learning about the full utilization the Cod which Iceland has leadership in
- Studying possible collaboration between Iceland and your home country regarding ocean affairs
- Helping forming new creative ideas
Although this internship is unpaid, we will pay for your weekly travel as well as your lunch each day. You will also benefit from getting a lot of real business life experience; you will receive a glowing reference and be involved in business which has huge potentials in the North Atlantic.
Please send CVs to sjavarklasinn@sjavarklasinn.is by the 30th March 2013
We are based in Reykjavik in a great office by the harbor.