Samey ehf.
by admin | mar 21, 2012 | Processing, Techcomp
For over 20 years Samey has enabled companies on land and sea to increase productivity and operational efficiency...
Umfjöllun í FiskeribladetFiskaren í Noregi
by admin | mar 21, 2012 | news_home
Norska blaðið FiskeribladetFiskaren fjallaðu um íslenska sjávarklasann og nýjustu skýrslu okkar, Þýðing...

Markus Lifenet ehf.
by admin | mar 19, 2012 | Other, Techcomp
We produce a Man Overboard Recovery Systems for boats, ships, FRB, offshore installation, quay areas and similar...

3X technology ehf.
by admin | mar 19, 2012 | Processing, Techcomp
3X Technology var stofnað árið 1994 á Ísafirði, undir nafninu 3X Stál. Í upphafi byggði starfssemi fyrirtækisins...

Fjárfestingarfundur í Grindavík
by admin | mar 17, 2012 | Fréttir
Tólf lítil tæknifyrirtæki í sjávarklasanum kynntu starfsemi sína og framtíðaráætlanir fyrir fullum sal af...
Promens Tempra
by admin | mar 13, 2012 | Packaging, Techcomp
Main production is housing insulation and packaging from EPS. They also offer many of the neccesary accessories...
(English) Want to use the whole fish? Look to Iceland
by admin | mar 12, 2012 | news_home
Speech by Thor Sigfusson at North Atlantic Seafood Forum – Bio Marine in oslo, March 6th, 2012. In recent...

Skaginn hf. selur tæknibúnað fyrir 2,2 milljarða króna
by admin | mar 6, 2012 | Fréttir
Þann 1. mars síðastliðinn gekk tæknifyrirtækið Skaginn hf. frá einum stærsta samningi sem gerður hefur verið hér...

(English) Iceland Responsible Fisheries – For the Benefit of Future Generations
by admin | mar 6, 2012 | news_home
The fishing industry has always been important to Icelanders and one of the main pillars of the Icelandic...

(English) The Importance of the Ocean Cluster for the Icelandic Economy
by admin | mar 5, 2012 | news_home
In collaboration with Íslandsbanki and Iceland Ocean Cluster, a report on the significance of the ocean cluster...