by Júlía Helgadóttir | Oct 17, 2022 | News
A full year after the initial meeting of the GreenOffshoreTech project held online, project representatives met in Brussels. GreenOffshoreTech is a Cluster Facilitated Project with the purpose of supporting innovation in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs),...
by Júlía Helgadóttir | Oct 5, 2022 | News
The Iceland Ocean Cluster is taking part in BlueBioClusters, a three-year project run by SUBMARINER. Its goal is to support European coastal regions in their transition to a sustainable blue bioeconomy. BlueBioClusters will support and increase the uptake of...
by Júlía Helgadóttir | Sep 30, 2022 | News
An illustration of the potential use of fish in the Great Lakes in the United States has been created, with the Iceland Ocean Cluster’s project “100% Fish” as an example. We take great pride in assisting in the conversion of approximately 50,000 tons...
by Júlía Helgadóttir | Sep 28, 2022 | News
The Council of Great Lakes Governors has started a project called “100% Whitefish,” which refers to the opportunities made possible by expanding the use of whitefish byproducts to improve the use of whitefish caught in the Great Lakes in collaboration with...
by Júlía Helgadóttir | Sep 21, 2022 | News
The Iceland Ocean Cluster presented two start-ups with awards during the opening ceremony of the Icelandic ocean exhibition for their outstanding concepts and innovations that improve the environment and reduce pollution. SideWind is a start-up that aims to produce a...
by Alexandra Leeper | Sep 14, 2022 | Fréttir, News
Yesterday, Iceland Ocean Cluster took part in a panel discussion about innovation in upcycling as part of the Climate Smart Food Digital Event in a great discussion session hosted by Oliver Morrison from Food Navigator. This panel was a great opportunity to hear about...