Hack the Ocean – Multi-use at sea
5-6 October 2023 – Reykjavík, Iceland.
How to design a viable and sustainable multi-use concept at sea that facilitates co-existence in the Nordic Ocean space?
Hack the Ocean 2023 brought innovative minds together to tackle maritime challenges, fostering collaboration and sustainable solutions.
🌊 “Hack the Ocean 2023” was an outstanding success: it was truly inspiring to witness the ingenious solutions that the teams presented.
🚀 A total of 13 carefully selected participants from the Nordic region came together to address the challenge of “How might we design a viable and sustainable multi-use concept at sea that promotes co-existence in the Nordic Ocean Space.”
🎉 We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the participants, with special recognition for the winning team consisting of Leidy Lagos, Thomas H. Lambaa Giehm, and Vahid Abbasi!
🙌 We also express our deep appreciation to every participant who invested their unwavering dedication and contributed to creating a unique learning environment over the course of two remarkable days.
👏 A big thank you goes to Justine Vanhalst for her exceptional guidance throughout the hackathon!
🙏 We are also immensely grateful for the invaluable expertise provided by our mentors: Ottó Elíasson, Ásta Olga Magnúsdóttir, Magnus Yngvi Josefsson, Bryndis Steina Fridgeirsdottir, Jennifer Lynn Schwalbenberg, and Allyson Beach.
🌟 Throughout the event, the teams developed innovative solutions, crafted prototypes, and presented their ideas to our distinguished panel of judges, including Heiða Kristín Helgadóttir, Anne Katrine Normann, Bala Kamallakharan, Paula Gould, and Maryke Musson.

🎉 Once again, congratulations to all involved in making “Hack the Ocean 2023” a resounding success, and thank you for your remarkable contributions. 🌟

📷 All photographs in this gallery are the creative work of Ingrida Milko, © 2023.
🎥 After movie 🩵
Step behind the scenes and relive the unforgettable moments of Hack the Ocean with the after movie. 😁
🌟 Pitch Presentations
Relive the excitement of Hack the Ocean 2023 with our pitch presentations and award ceremony. 🚀 Watch as our talented participants present their innovative solutions and see which team earned the top honors! 🏅
🏆 Award Ceremony
A truly sustainable blue economy is one that optimises the use of resources and fosters collaboration.
Multi-use at sea is one way that we can optimise the use of ocean space by placing multiple, often competing, marine industries in the same location, sometimes referred to as co-location. Such co-location presents an opportunity for symbiosis and collaboration which could have both environmental and economic benefits.
A number of projects have pioneered this idea, such as the UNITED PROJECT which has, for example, piloted combining offshore wind energy installations, with shellfish and seaweed culture.
Yet we still lack clear business models for multi-use at sea. What would a profitable and sustainable co-location look like in reality? What could a self-sufficient multi-use platform at sea look like? What are the low-hanging fruits and win-win situations for this new blue sector?

This project was commissioned by and funded by Nordic Innovation as part of the Sustainable Ocean Economy program.