We were delighted to be contacted by Jenna Seagle as part of her Master´s project on the Hawaiian seafood industry and to discuss how the Iceland Ocean Cluster´s collaboration program – 100% fish could provide lessons for reducing processing waste in Hawaii.

Her detailed thesis is available here as a PDF below and provides a great overview of the seafood processing waste in Hawaii and recommendations for reducing waste and value creation through innovation and product development!

We love to see such great student work on such an important topic.

Jenna Seagle is a recent graduate from Duke University, where she earned a Master’s of Environmental Management.

Her Master’s Project, titled “A Deep Dive into Hawaii’s Seafood Industry: Reducing Fish Processing Waste,” explored the challenges and opportunities for reducing fish processing waste in Hawai‘i and how strategies from the Iceland Ocean Cluster’s 100% Fish model could be adopted by seafood distributors in Hawai‘i.

Available as a pdf: SeagleJ_MP_Spring24 and here as a link too: https://hdl.handle.net/10161/30538 .