by admin | Jun 26, 2012 | News, news_home
The article “Domestic market context and international entrepreneurs´relationship portfolios” by Thor Sigfusson and Simon Harris was published online in May 2012 by International Business Review. Abstract The importance of relationships to international...
by admin | Jun 12, 2012 | Fréttir, News, news_home
The Iceland Ocean Cluster has hired eight young undergraduate students this summer to work on several projects related to the cluster. The cluster received 87 applications and had many good candidates to choose from. We would like to welcome them aboard and introduce...
by admin | May 30, 2012 | Fréttir, News, news_home
The meeting of North Atlantic marine/ocean clusters held in Reykjavik May 24-25 was attended by leaders from marine/ocean clusters from Canada, Denmark, Faroe Islands Greenland, Iceland and Norway. The meeting is a part of the project “North Atlantic Ocean Clusters”...
by admin | May 18, 2012 | Fréttir, News, news_home
May 24-25the Iceland Ocean Cluster will host a meeting of leaders from marine clusters in the North Atlantic. This meeting is a part of the project “North Atlantic Ocean Clusters” which was initiated by the Iceland Ocean Cluster and supported by Nordic Innovation,...
by admin | Mar 21, 2012 | Fréttir, News, news_home
The Norwegian paper, FiskeribladetFiskaren wrote about the Icelandic ocean cluster and the our latest report, The Importance of the Ocean Cluster for the Icelandic Economy, published by Íslandsbanki (see report). The paper was published on Monday, 19th of March and...
by admin | Mar 12, 2012 | News, news_home
Speech by Thor Sigfusson at North Atlantic Seafood Forum – Bio Marine in oslo, March 6th, 2012. In recent years, both industry and governments in the Nordic countries have shown interest in utilizing the whole fish catch. The stakes are high. Of around 7...