by Eva Rún Michelsen | Sep 30, 2015 | News
Two universities, UNE and USM recently signed an agreement expected to produce internship and research-and-development opportunities for students at the New England Ocean Cluster House (NEOCH). The NEOCH is modelled after the Ocean Cluster House in Reykjavik by the...
by hmg | Sep 22, 2015 | News
While in typical North Atlantic fisheries the head, gut and bones of cod are discarded, Icelandic fisheries increasingly utilise these resources and create value from them. Analysis done by the Iceland Ocean Cluster indicates that Icelanders utilise around 80% of each...
by Bjarki Vigfússon | Aug 20, 2015 | News, Uncategorized
On September 24 the Iceland Ocean Cluster and Ocean Cluster House will celebrate Cod Day for the first time. On Cod Day we open the Ocean Cluster House for the public and media and give the companies in our network an opportunity to introduce their work, technology...
by Bjarki Vigfússon | Aug 12, 2015 | News
Codland, one of the associated companies of the Iceland Ocean Cluster, has relaunched its brand and website to reflect more clearly the company’s aims and values. Codland aims at utilizing underutilized raw material from traditional fish processing for valuable...
by hmg | Jul 21, 2015 | News
“We have seen an amazing increase in the number of startups in the ocean cluster in Iceland,” says dr. Thor Sigfusson CEO of the Iceland Ocean Cluster. Of the top 100 startups in Iceland, ocean related industries have mostly represented around 5% of the...
by Bjarki Vigfússon | Jun 26, 2015 | News
According to a new thesis on the influence of clusters on innovation in the Icelandic fisheries industry it clearly stands out that participating in a cluster enhances innovation in the industry. The author of the thesis is Heiðdís Skarphéðinsdóttir and it was...