Laying the grounds in Seattle

Laying the grounds in Seattle

For the past months former minister of industry in Iceland Mrs. Ragnheidur Elin Arnadottir has been working on establishing an Ocean Cluster in Seattle. It is not an individual effort but a program starting out of local interest from Seattle on the Iceland Ocean...
Can Clusters elminate blind spots?

Can Clusters elminate blind spots?

As a founder of the Iceland Ocean Cluster, I have had the luxury of meeting with seafood people in over twenty coastal communities in the US and Europe over the past few years. The dialogues have been extremely enjoyable and beneficial to me and have added more “hands...
Economic costs of the strike

Economic costs of the strike

The Iceland Ocean Cluster was recently assigned to a project by the Ministry of Fisheries in Iceland to evaluate the economic costs of the strikes in the fishing industry which came to a halt in the mid of December. At a press meeting, February 10, the Minister of...
Top ten highlights of the Iceland Ocean Cluster in 2016

Top ten highlights of the Iceland Ocean Cluster in 2016

70 companies are now a part of our community in the Ocean Cluster House – 20% increase from last year.Several of our startups received awards for excellence: Entrepreneur of the Year, Rising Star Awards etc. Great stuff.We were awarded the Best Office Space in...