by Eva Rún Michelsen | May 30, 2016 | News
I am beyond excited to announce that today we celebrate the five-year anniversary of the Iceland Ocean Cluster (IOC). On May 30th 2011, the founding of IOC was formally announced. Five years later, the thriving cluster continues to grow, representing client partners...
by Eva Rún Michelsen | Sep 30, 2015 | News
Two universities, UNE and USM recently signed an agreement expected to produce internship and research-and-development opportunities for students at the New England Ocean Cluster House (NEOCH). The NEOCH is modelled after the Ocean Cluster House in Reykjavik by the...
by Eva Rún Michelsen | Mar 9, 2015 | Fréttir, News
The fourth meeting of the North Atlantic Ocean Cluster Alliance (NAOCA) was held in Aalborg, Denmark March 6th. The mission of NAOCA is to create a bridge between businesses in ocean related industries in the North Atlantic through business clusters. The alliance...
by Eva Rún Michelsen | Jan 19, 2015 | News, news_home
D-Tech, an Icelandic Tech firm located at the Ocean Cluster House, will install and test a new plant sanitation technology that is new to the seafood processing industry in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The project is in co-operation with Fogo Island Co-Operative...
by Eva Rún Michelsen | Dec 11, 2014 | News
Polar has been granted a fund from Horizon 2020 for it´s project of Poseidon remote controllable trawl doors. Polar was one of 178 companies from over 2000 applicants who was granted the fund. The fund will be used for feasibility and commercial potential study for...