We were very pleased to welcome Anna María Pálsdóttir, over the summer as a student intern from Reykjavík, Iceland. Anna María is currently studying Innovation Management at the University of Reykjavík. This Master prepares students not only to adapt to rapid change but also to shape it, enhancing their innovative and managerial skills through the latest knowledge and methods in the field.

Anna María’s background in psychology includes a bachelor thesis that explored how visual information is processed in our working memory, specifically focusing on the representation of orientation. This research provided insights into how our visual system encodes complex information.

During her internship, Anna María was be assisting with social media marketing and the Ocean Cluster newsletter, preparing for the Ocean Cluster Investor Day, and helping set up our stand at the IceFish Expo exhibition coming up next week. Her interest in innovation and sustainability makes her a great fit for our mission.

Anna María chose this internship to gain practical experience in ocean innovation and to explore the intersection of business, sustainability, and technology. She is particularly interested in how innovative solutions can drive the blue economy forward, and she hopes to leverage this experience to enhance her understanding of real-world applications of her studies.

In her free time, Anna María enjoys exercising and regularly trains CrossFit at Mjölnir. She also loves spending time with family and friends.

We loved having Anna María on board and she was a great team member for our summer period.