We are delighted to welcome our new intern Gyde Rudolph, currently a Master’s student at the University of Gothenburg. She is pursuing a two-year Master’s degree in Sea and Society, which will provide her with in-depth knowledge to optimise, protect and research existing marine systems. In particular, she will be investigating solutions for the restoration of marine ecosystems damaged by climate change and for the protection of marine species and coastal communities. Her studies will enable her to understand the behaviour of humans as central actors in the socio-ecological system of the coast and the sea.

Originally from Northern Germany, she moved to Sweden after high school to do her Bachelor’s degree in English and elective courses in Sustainable Development, which were particularly important for improving her intercultural, communication and creative skills. She is deeply interested in marine social research, the impact of climate change on ecosystems and communities in the Arctic, and the study of human-nature interactions, as northern populations are unique in their relationship with the environment. Her aim is it to gain knowledge through this internship that will enable her to enhance sustainability of Arctic systems in an interconnected world. Gyde is passionate about the question of how we view and value nature and what work can be done to de-re-construct this relationship, and spends her free time hiking, making art and playing music.