Visits from sister clusters representatives

Visits from sister clusters representatives

Our sister clusters are visiting the Ocean Cluster House to learn more about our cluster work and how they can implement some of our ideas and experience in their own areas. Great team.  From left Justin Sternberg and Craig Fleener from Alaska Ocean Cluster, Thór...
The New Fish Wave

The New Fish Wave

The world’s oceans – their temperature, chemistry, currents and life – drive global systems that make the Earth habitable for humankind. Our rainwater, drinking water, weather, climate, coastlines, much of our food, and even the oxygen in the air we breathe, are all...
The OC House creates magic, again

The OC House creates magic, again

The OC House in Iceland continues to make history. An amazing US start up with nanotechnology batteries, Greenvolt, got a space in the OC House for a staff member. The company was not focusing on battery solutions for marine, but we told them that next door to them...
Nordic port leaders visiting

Nordic port leaders visiting

Leaders from the port of Reykjavik, Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen Malmo, Torshavn, Gothenburgh, Aarhus,Esbjeg and Helsingborg, visited the OC House in Reykjavik harbor recently. They were presented with our vision to have a network of innovation hubs like the OC...