by admin | mar 17, 2012 | Fréttir
Tólf lítil tæknifyrirtæki í sjávarklasanum kynntu starfsemi sína og framtíðaráætlanir fyrir fullum sal af fjármögnunaraðilum og forsvarsmönnum útgerðafyrirtækja á fundi í Grindavík hinn 15. mars sl. Fulltrúar allra viðskiptabankanna sóttu fundinn ásamt ýmsum...
by admin | mar 13, 2012 | Fréttir
Main production is housing insulation and packaging from EPS. They also offer many of the neccesary accessories for the export of perishable goods and fitting of EPS housing insulation.Main production is housing insulation and packaging from EPS. They also offer many...
by admin | mar 12, 2012 | Fréttir
Speech by Thor Sigfusson at North Atlantic Seafood Forum – Bio Marine in oslo, March 6th, 2012. In recent years, both industry and governments in the Nordic countries have shown interest in utilizing the whole fish catch. The stakes are high. Of around 7...
by admin | mar 6, 2012 | Fréttir
Þann 1. mars síðastliðinn gekk tæknifyrirtækið Skaginn hf. frá einum stærsta samningi sem gerður hefur verið hér á landi um sölu á tæknibúnaði til fiskvinnslu. Samningurinn er við fyrirtækið Varðin-Pelagic á Tvöroyri í Færeyjum um tæknibúnað í nýtt fiskiðjuver....
by admin | mar 6, 2012 | Fréttir
The fishing industry has always been important to Icelanders and one of the main pillars of the Icelandic economy. Sustainable harvesting of the ocean’s resources is a natural demand which Icelanders fulfill with responsible fisheries management and protection...
by admin | mar 5, 2012 | Fréttir
In collaboration with Íslandsbanki and Iceland Ocean Cluster, a report on the significance of the ocean cluster for the Icelandic economy has been published. The paper seeks to describe the economic importance of the ocean cluster, i.e. the fishing industry and...