Trefjar ehf.

Trefjar ehf.

Trefjar Ltd. manufacturer of fibreglass boats, aquaculture equipment and acrylic parts was established in the town of Hafnarfjörður in Iceland in 1977 by its managing director Mr. Auðun N. Óskarsson. The company commenced its operation with one employee, manufacturing...


Wise is an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) for Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Founded in 1995, Wise is one of the largest resellers of Dynamics NAV in Iceland, offering a wide range of business solutions for the international market. Wise has close to 500 customers...
Samey ehf.

Samey ehf.

For over 20 years Samey has enabled companies on land and sea to increase productivity and operational efficiency through effective and efficient automation and robotic solutions.   We offer complete turnkey solutions, tailored to your needs, from design to...

Umfjöllun í FiskeribladetFiskaren í Noregi

Norska blaðið FiskeribladetFiskaren fjallaðu um íslenska sjávarklasann og nýjustu skýrslu okkar, Þýðing sjávarklasans í íslensku efnahagslífi, sem gefin var út af Íslandsbanka (sjá skýrslu). Greinin birtist í blaðinu sem gefið var út 19. mars. Blaðið má lesa í heild...
Markus Lifenet ehf.

Markus Lifenet ehf.

We produce a Man Overboard Recovery Systems for boats, ships, FRB, offshore installation, quay areas and similar land based water sides.  More than 90% of the products are exported and sold all over the world.We produce a Man Overboard Recovery Systems for boats,...
3X technology ehf.

3X technology ehf.

3X Technology var stofnað árið 1994 á Ísafirði, undir nafninu 3X Stál. Í upphafi byggði starfssemi fyrirtækisins á hönnun og framleiðslu á búnaði úr ryðfríu stáli og þjónustu við sjávarútvegsfyrirtækin, einkum rækjuverksmiðjurnar, á Ísafirði og nágrenni. Farið var að...