Blue Stars of 2021!

Blue Stars of 2021!

The Iceland Ocean Cluster has listed 12 innovative small companies and startups from Blue Iceland to watch in 2022. We see strong trends towards the circular economy among these blue stars; creating value from “waste”, protecting the ocean and moving our seafood...
100% Asian carp

100% Asian carp

This report by the Iceland Ocean Cluster discusses how to use the Icelandic 100% fish model to tackle an invasive species in the Great Lakes. The strategy is simple; if we can create more value and jobs from this invasive species there should be higher price to...
Iceland Fish & Ships tells a story

Iceland Fish & Ships tells a story

Article on the Iceland Ocean Cluster was recently published in the magazine Cool Atlantic. In this article a special focus is on the new Iceland Fish & Ships project which aims to be a one-stop access point for foreign enterprises and individuals interested in...