British Embassy Book Launch

British Embassy Book Launch

We were thrilled last week that the Iceland Ocean Cluster was the venue selected by the British Embassy and the British Ambassador to Iceland, her excellency, Dr. Bryony Mathew for the launch of the wonderful book “Tæknitröll og Íseldfjöll”. This book was...
International Business Seminars visits Iceland

International Business Seminars visits Iceland

Today we had a great visit from 28 students and their professors from the International Business Seminars group from the United States, led by Hillary Fuller.  On this program students travel globally to meet inspiring business leaders.  During the visit the students...
New co-operation with the MedSea Cluster

New co-operation with the MedSea Cluster

The Iceland Ocean Cluster is pleased to announce a new agreement with the Mediterranean Sea Cluster (MedSea Cluster), which is inside the Cluster Foodservice of Catalonia.  This is key step toward strengthening collaboration between Iceland and the Mediterranean...